Here is a rough diagram of the walk thru... details explained below
Tots will enter the front of the garage ... thru the garage and out the back .. around the patio and around to the side of the garage out the path

The front of the house will have a cemetery and at least 1 FCG in one of the front windows .. the garage will be set up with an organ player at the front and as you go further inside you will find a group of skeletal ladies having a tea party .. a shaking chandelier over head ..  spiders and bugs creeping out from under the cakes and dishes.. flickering candles all around .. spinning pictures on the walls and a faux window with lightning in the background and a breeze blowing tattered curtains...  the tots will walk past the tea party and exit the garage .. where they will walk around a coffin with corpse and moaning mourner .. as they walk around the coffin they will pass by the cellar doors which this year will only have fog lights and sound .. maybe some knocking .. not sure.. we'll see how far we they will then walk on around the patio and down the path beside the house where a sensor will be tripped and a huge shadow (yet to be determined) will be cast on the side of the house .. and then they exit the path and on their way to the next house.. or back around to go thru again .. hee hee